Our unique programme gives you, the student, the opportunity to select your project and supervisor from the more than 100 named supervisors across the 5 partner institutions.
All students also complete a 1st semester training course providing you with advanced skills which will be an excellent knowledge base and support network from which to embark on your PhD projects. This course has been specifically set up to develop your data science skills and expose you to the many application areas of genomics.

Your experience of this intensive training programme at the very beginning of your PhD, as part of a cohort with shared goals and challenges, will ensure that you get to know one another well enabling you to develop a collective, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems. Being part of a cohort with a wide variety of skills to call on for support will be of great benefit to you when you encounter challenges during the course of your PhD. You will also have the opportunity to go on a placement as part of the programme.