Our People

Ouso Daniel

Ouso Daniel

University College Dublin
Cohort 4
Email: daniel.ouso@ucdconnect.ie
Supervisor: Gianluca Pollastri
Overall and with the help of computational technologies, I am interested in how the observations of the natural world might help us draw insights from the enormous amount of data generated in the different domains of life.
I am currently engaged in proteomics research focused on improving the annotation of protein localisation in cellular spaces. I use artificial intelligence-machine learning methodologies, and related data science tools, for the problem. The goal is to realise a highly accurate, efficient and speedy tool for localisation annotation in light of exponential sequence growth. This research is potentially applicable in drug discovery, therapeutics development, protein functional analyses, etc.
I completed my MSc in 2019 from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya. I  developed a molecular surveillance tool against illegal bushmeat use. My BSc in Molecular and Cell Biology was from Kenyatta University, Kenya, in 2013. Interleaving my studies, I worked in molecular biology, bioinformatics and data science in various institutions.

Twitter: @ousodanos

Github: ousodaniel