
Strong CRT presence at VIBE 2023!

The Virtual Irish Bioinformatics and Evolution meeting (VIBE 2023) took place in Belfast on 12th May with many  CRT students travelling to Northern Ireland for the event!

4 CRT students were selected for oral presentations !

  • Karyotypic Evolution of Near-Haploid and Low-Hypodiploid Tumours – Ms Elle Loughran, Trinity College Dublin
  • Multiple myeloma: single cell-level characterization of natural killer cells show disease specific pathways driving immune exhaustion – Mr Jacopo Umberto Verga, University of Galway
  • Good Models or Good Riddance? An investigation into the suitability of cell lines as models of ovarian cancer histotypes – Ms Aideen McCabe, University College Cork
  • Evaluating Microsatellite Instability Tools and Benchmarks – Mr Harrison Anthony, University of Galway


A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Aideen McCabe on winning the best presentation prize with her talk: “Good Models or Good Riddance? An investigation into the suitability of cell lines as models of ovarian cancer histotypes”


Some of the CRT posters at VIBE 2023


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